Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mating Rituals of the Human Species, Part I

Today, I must have done at least 6 drawings; too much to scan and show, but my best - that's doable. I have a decent marker sketch of Kirsty, a few drawings of Dawson's landscape, with conte and graphite pencil - and I somehow managed to lose my graphite pencil between the school, KIAC and the residence. My best piece of the day is a mechanical pencil drawing (a return to the roots, perhaps?) of Rian sketching.

[Edit:] I have just noticed inconsistencies in this sketch, and will have to fix them ASAP

[Edit:] Did I say six? I did 9. Many of them are finished, too.

I pondered the meaning of a painting of a mounty receiving a blowjob behind a bar, and also realized that Yukon Gold beer has a really bitter taste, even for beer. My final observation of the night involved three guys who came to chat up two of the Ram girls after the others had all gone, and I got a front row seat to their clumsy and oh-so-obvious mating advances. Not being able to recall ever being in their position (or perhaps once, but I knew at the time that I did not fit in the role well enough to be successful, so knowing myself, I probably gave up early on. Needless to say, I found it quite amusing to be just a bystander to the first, second (the second was denied and more or less managed to save face by going to dance with a lively woman) and third attempts. I cannot see the advantages of having these flies come buzzing to your ear, one per girl, and attempt to have their mating call heard over the band's loud blasts of music. But then, I am not a girl, and I do not feel the need to have foreign objects inserted more or less violently into my privates. However, I would like to document these mating advances in full, with a tape recorder and notes. This time, I was drawing, but I could pretend to draw while taking notes in my sketchbook. Male-Female sexual advances, human species in their canon short-term partner meeting environment, the bar (which, incidentally, features loud music and sense altering refreshments, )neither of which are the most convenient for the purpose of selecting (and slashing) suitable mates.

I feel the sudden urge to bring a video camera into the bar and make discovery channel-like comments on an edited version of this scenario.

Done. Next time, I'll set that up.
It'll be hilarious, I think.

I think it would more convenient if the two people that go to the bar for the same reason, or end up thinking the same way, skipped the pointless introductory phase (I am sure that girls know within 30 seconds whether or not they want to have sex with a given partner, and I know that males require about 5 - 10 seconds to make that decision. There is definitely time to be saved here, if only the interested parties were less attached to the formal introductions.

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