Sunday, February 14, 2010

Agony of Silence

A string of youtube comments on this post

and we niggas wonder why we get the bad rap. Its because of niggers like that that think they can just do what they want ....well guess not
tegid699 (2 weeks ago)  
not funny!!! wgy are the reporters laughing ?
blacksteve123 (2 weeks ago)  
if his legs are fully functional.. why is he in a wheelchair?
twilson2821 (2 weeks ago)  
@TENNSUMITSUMA seems to me like you're kind of a retard.
TENNSUMITSUMA (2 weeks ago)  
@ twilson2821 seems to be like you can go fuck yourself
sirvegeta (3 weeks ago)  
He is a murderer, and was trying to kick his attorney. taze the coon in the balls
RuralCoconut (3 weeks ago)  
accused of robbing the catholic church?
well in that case, no crime has taken place after all! Next.
frogrfb (3 weeks ago)  
He was NOT an invalid. He was in the wheelchair because he was supposedly injured (like the way most blacks scam their way onto disability when there's REALLY nothing wrong with them).

But he wasn't so "injured" that he couldn't kick hard with both his big legs. So SCREW that big punk! Your "sympathy card" expired when you tried to kick people in the courtroom. So you had to get NEUTRALIZED, punk! Screw you and all your sympathizers on this forum, punk!
flukes777 (1 month ago)  
Yeah. Filthy cracker animals!
Robsshot (1 month ago)  
ACAB from Germany
Senninha2000 (1 month ago)  
loooooooooooooooool gf tazered his buddy whahahahahaha
AQWThatWeirdNoob (1 month ago)  
Those damn white cops.
AirsoftWar121 (1 month ago)  
holy crap he tazed the officer in the foot
TENNSUMITSUMA (1 month ago)  
seems to me like he got tazered BEFORE he did anything wrong
ff621 (1 month ago)  
He is on a wheelchair but he is not handicap and he is a big guy too Fu@# it tase him again hahaha
95flhtcu (1 month ago)  
Filthy fucking animals.
SuperJaypea (1 month ago)  
go fuck ur mama cowboy.
sarkenx (1 month ago)  
Go fuck yourself with a chainsaw. Queer.
SuperJaypea (1 month ago)  
i bet u would like that huh. ur into some fucked up shit over there buddy.
sarkenx (1 month ago)  
Not my kinda thing, it's what I heard you UK fags do for fun.

I'm positively furious. These guys infuriate with their mean, ignorant comments towards black people and handicapped people. I'm so furious I tried to sign on to Youtube, but made a mistake and wrote today's date as my date of birth, and so the website blocked me.

I'm crumbling with silent rage. I don't care for the person in the video and whether he was at fault or not, but I hate these hateful comments with a passion. I've never encountered this before. And the worst part is everyone aggrees. They're not noticing that they're exhibiting the full extent of their foolishness, the fools.

And I will never jokingly sing that song and gloss over the word coon. Ever.
What would Lorraine say? Probably "Don't bother with those lowlifes." or something.
But can I do that? I'm sad, so sad and so angry...

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