Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Forward Winds

"The forward winds"; Brace to them and catch them in your sails, and they will push you forwards.

That's my new Way. I used to think that there was simply a presence that made everything click, a "god" that was present in everything, but not in the way religions think of it; more of an energy, a driving force than anything that can be represented. But recently, I feel liberated, above myself, and I believe that it is because of the Winds. I feel like luck will not desert me until I desert myself.

I am by nature an inactive person, but I loathe staticity.  I have come to think that there is always a way to get to a good place, to brace back to square, even if you step astray. It feels as if though I am being helped, subtly, as if though options are present, and will take me to where I want to go, if only I have the courage to take them. It's not about doing the opposite of what my gut tells me anymore, it's helping myself.

A simple example; I made the wrong salad one day at work, and right after the head cook told me that I made the wrong thing, an order came for just the salad that I was holding. Of course, a person ordered this salad, but I think that the winds pushed this person to order it, and because of that, I was given a second chance. These winds help at random, sometimes a great deal (paying for my two first nights in Dawson) and so I'm afraid that they will abandon me, and I feel that they won't as long as I push myself. Perhaps these winds ignite a response, and then it's up to us to sustain them with our own efforts. Anyway, it seems a bit abstract, but I understand. It's pretty hard to explain, though, and perhaps it I'll forever be the only one to see things this way. That's alright, though. Everyone to their own beleifs.

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